A PIA - Projectos de Intervenção Artística foi convidada a participar neste estudo com mais de cerca de 66 Companhias Europeias.
Este trabalho tem como objectivo compreender de uma melhor forma a realidade da difusão das Companhias, quer a nível nacional como internacional.
Este estudo está disponível em Inglês e Francês e pode ser visualizado em:
- “The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artwork in Europe”
- "La Circulation des oeuvres de rue et de cirque en Europe"
The Circostrada Network study “The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artwork in Europe”, established by Anne Tucker, the study head and director of Manchester International Arts (United Kingdom), has been published.
PIA - Projectos de Intervenção Artística was invited to take part of this study that had in total 66 European Companies.
This work aims to better understand the reality of the distribution of companies and the share held by the international part of this distribution.
This study it's available in English and French and can be visualized in:
- “The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artwork in Europe”
- "La Circulation des oeuvres de rue et de cirque en Europe"
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