Fotografia/Photo Tomasz Raczyński
Crítica e Fotografia/ Critics and Photo Jornal/Newspapper
Crítica e Fotografia/ Critics and Photo Jornal/Newspapper Jelonka
Foi no passado dia 9 de Setembro que a companhia PIA regressou à Polónia, para mais uma emotiva e especial PASSAGEM! Jelenia Gora foi a cidade que acolheu esta Performance/Instalação que se enraizou no majestoso e mágico Parque Kościele Garnizonowym, no âmbito do Festival Znaki w Przestrzeni (Signs in Space)!
Uma vez mais a Companhia PIA vê o seu trabalho artístico reconhecido com excelentes críticas na Imprensa Polaca:
"O Espectáculo, ou melhor, a Performance intitulada "Passagem" contou de forma simples a vida de um idoso na sua recta final. Uma bonita composição sonora e magnífico cenário capturaram a audiência e até mesmo aquele espaço, o parque Kościele Garnizonowym, um antigo cemitério que acabou por se revelar no lugar ideal para o projecto. Um outro espaço que é redescoberto através da arte. (...) Os actores Portugueses jogando com os sentimentos da audiência, entre a
dor e nostalgia e momentos de diversão e alegria, conseguiram um
pequeno milagre: há já muito tempo que em Jelenia Gora em um só lugar
não se via tantos francos e claros olhares uns para com os outros, e
pessoas a sorrir..." in Jornal
"Os Portugueses PIA Projectos de Intervenção Artística, transformaram ontem (9.09) o parque Kościele Garnizonowym num incomum cenário repleto de reflexões sobre a passagem e o amor. O Espectáculo "Passagem" recebeu um merecido aplauso por parte da audiência. A história de 4 velhos anciãos procurando ideias e afectos, foi cheia de reviravoltas surpreendentes. (...) O público passava de um para outra personagem, os mais idosos olhavam com curiosidade, mas com um sorriso que revelava as suas semelhantes paixões quotidianas. Instalado num antigo cemitério, a história da passagem da vida ajustou-se de forma perfeita na magia deste espaço, onde as árvores cuidadosamente envolvidas por tecido ainda o tornaram mais apelativo. A audiência moveu-se ao longe deste mundo mágico, e o que eles virão não corresponde necessariamente à descrição acima, pois a verdadeira magia consiste que cada qual pode interpretar da sua própria forma aquilo que assistiu." in Jornal Jelonka
A PIA deixa ainda um muito especial agradecimento à Organização Galeria BWA e Agência Solo que nos acolheu e nos deu a possibilidade e privilégio de voltar a actuar para o público polaco, assim como à equipa de voluntários que ajudaram a implementar esta PASSAGEM!
Acima deixamos o Espectáculo retratado em imagens captado pelo excelente "olhar" de Tomasz Raczyński.
It was last September 9th that Cia. PIA returned to Poland for one more emotive and very special PASSAGE! Jelenia Gora was the city that hosted this Performance/Installation that has rooted in the majestic and magical Park Kościele Garnizonowym under the Znaki Festival w Przestrzeni (Signs in Space)!
Once again the Company PIA has seen it's artistic work recognized with excellent reviews in Polish press:
Once again the Company PIA has seen it's artistic work recognized with excellent reviews in Polish press:
"The show, or rather the Performance entitled "Passage" told the story by simple means of an elderly at the end of life. Beautiful music and great scenery captured the audience and ... place. Kościele Garnizonowym Park, where it was played out the performance turned out to be the ideal open air. Another place through art, rediscovered. (...) Portuguese actors, jugglery with the feelings of the audience from grief and nostalgia to the amusement, they have managed to make a small miracle: a long time in Jelenia Gora in one place have never met so many many frank and clear looks toward one another and a smiling people..." in Newspapper
"The Portuguese group Projectos de Intervenção Artistic transformed yesterday (9.09) the Kościele Garnizonowym Park in to an unusual scene full of reflections over the passage and love. The show "Passage" has received deserved applause from the audience. The story of four old people seeking ideals of love was full of surprising turns. (...) The audience wandered from one old man to the other old man, the seniors to seniors with curiosity, but also a smile revealing their everyday passions. Set on a former cemetery the story about the passing of life was perfectly fitted into the magic of this place, and the carefully wrapped tree have making it more appeal. The public moved through this magical world, and what they saw does not necessarily correspond to the above description, because the magic consists in the that anyone could interpret what he saw in his own way." in Newspapper Jelonka
PIA also leaves a very special thanks to the Organization BWA Art Gallery and Solo Agency for receiving and giving us the opportunity and privilege to return to act to the Polish public, as well as the team of volunteers who helped to implement this PASSAGE!
"The Portuguese group Projectos de Intervenção Artistic transformed yesterday (9.09) the Kościele Garnizonowym Park in to an unusual scene full of reflections over the passage and love. The show "Passage" has received deserved applause from the audience. The story of four old people seeking ideals of love was full of surprising turns. (...) The audience wandered from one old man to the other old man, the seniors to seniors with curiosity, but also a smile revealing their everyday passions. Set on a former cemetery the story about the passing of life was perfectly fitted into the magic of this place, and the carefully wrapped tree have making it more appeal. The public moved through this magical world, and what they saw does not necessarily correspond to the above description, because the magic consists in the that anyone could interpret what he saw in his own way." in Newspapper Jelonka
PIA also leaves a very special thanks to the Organization BWA Art Gallery and Solo Agency for receiving and giving us the opportunity and privilege to return to act to the Polish public, as well as the team of volunteers who helped to implement this PASSAGE!
Above the show portrayed in images captured by the excellent "view" of Tomasz Raczyński.
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