No passado dia 1 de Julho a PIA rumou ao seu primeiro destino internacional de 2013, Kotor (MONTENEGRO) para implementar a sua mais recente criação "Passagem" no Kotor International Theater Festival for Children. A Performance
teve lugar no dia 6 de Julho naquela que é uma das mais belas e históricas cidades, Património Mundial da UNESCO desde 1979.
Desta "Passagem" a PIA foi presenteada pela ASSITEJ MONTENEGRO International Association of
Theaters for Children and Young People, com a Menção Especial pela relevância artística do projecto e novo patamar de sensibilidade alcançado.
A PIA deixa aqui também o seu especial agradecimento, ao contributo da equipa de jovens voluntários locais que auxiliaram no processo de Instalação.
Acima fica o registo fotográfico captado pelo olhar de Dusko Miljanic.
On the past 1st of July, PIA headed to its first international destination of 2013, Kotor (MONTENEGRO) to implement its latest creation "Passage" at the Kotor International Theater Festival for Children. The performance took place on July 6st in what is one of the most beautiful and historic cities, UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.
This "Passage" was presented by ASSITEJ MONTENEGRO International Association of Theaters for Children and Young People, with Special Mention for artistic achievement and a new stage sensibility.
The PIA also leaves here its special thanks to the contribution of the team of young local volunteers who assisted in the installation process.
Above is the photographic record captured by Dusko Miljanic.
On the past 1st of July, PIA headed to its first international destination of 2013, Kotor (MONTENEGRO) to implement its latest creation "Passage" at the Kotor International Theater Festival for Children. The performance took place on July 6st in what is one of the most beautiful and historic cities, UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.
This "Passage" was presented by ASSITEJ MONTENEGRO International Association of Theaters for Children and Young People, with Special Mention for artistic achievement and a new stage sensibility.
The PIA also leaves here its special thanks to the contribution of the team of young local volunteers who assisted in the installation process.
Above is the photographic record captured by Dusko Miljanic.
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