No passado dia 15 de Setembro foi a vez do Festival FESTAE de Évora receber o Espectáculo "Humanum Fatum". Com a magnifica Praça do Giraldo repleta de história como cenário natural, a Cia. PIA deixou mais uma vez marcas da sua passagem.
As imagens deste espectáculo estarão disponíveis brevemente!
On last September 15th was the turn of the FESTAE Festival from Évora (Portugal) to receive Street Theatre Production "Humanum Fatum". With the magnificent Praça do Giraldo full of history and natural scenery, Cia PIA once again left marks of its passage.
The images of this show will be available soon!
On last September 15th was the turn of the FESTAE Festival from Évora (Portugal) to receive Street Theatre Production "Humanum Fatum". With the magnificent Praça do Giraldo full of history and natural scenery, Cia PIA once again left marks of its passage.
The images of this show will be available soon!
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