Fotografia de / Photo by CM Vila Franca de Xira
Fotografia de / Photo Marcia Pedras
No passado dia 16 de Maio, a Companhia PIA teve o privilégio de apresentar EntreMundos na inauguração da edição de 2018 do Festival da Juventude de Vila Franca Xira!
Acima ficam algumas imagens daquela que foi a segunda apresentação do espetáculo este ano.
A Companhia agradece a toda a organização do Município de Vila Franca de Xira pelo convite e acolhimento, e em especial ao amigo e colaborador, Paulo Vargues que se juntou a nós na técnica desta espectáculo.
On May 16th, Company PIA had the privilege of presenting InbetweenWorlds at the
inauguration of the Vila Franca Xira Youth Festival 2018 edition!
Above are some images of what it was the second presentation of this performance this year.
The Company is grateful to the entire Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira for the invitation and welcome, as well to it's friend and collaborator, Paulo Vargues, that joined us in the technique of this show.
Above are some images of what it was the second presentation of this performance this year.
The Company is grateful to the entire Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira for the invitation and welcome, as well to it's friend and collaborator, Paulo Vargues, that joined us in the technique of this show.